Good news to every renters: Increase of rental prices across London have now cooled down, due to the Brexit result.
Since the previously rapid rising rent fees have finally slowed down, tenants can take advantage of the current situation in the rental market, as a great opportunity to secure a long-term tenancy period.
Longer-term tenancies offer more stability for tenants, for they can benefit from protection from rental rate increases and added security of tenure, all while driving higher net yields for their landlords.
Long-term tenancies are especially appealing to young professionals working and living in London. The tenants who are settled in London for the long-term are able to shift jobs more easily, knowing that London’s remarkable transport infrastructure will allow them to commute to work without any hassle.
To those renters considering long-term tenancies, it is also important to make use of an ARLA (Association of Residential Letting Agents) certified agent who are more than capable of providing tenants with a great service, whilst assuring diligent referencing is being carried out and all statutory obligations are in place.
The doubts and uncertainties caused by Brexit, has actually unlocked numerous opportunities for most tenants to secure a contract with fixed rents, and a long-term stability in the rental market.
Due to the rise in first-time BTL landlords after the Brexit result, as well as the interest rate cut driving down returns on cash, there is currently more stock available on the market. As a result, London’s rental prices have cooled down.
In the end, London still remains ass the popular destination for recent graduates, young professionals, and even among domestic and international students attending one of London’s many prestigious universities. Most of these students will most likely remain in London once they have completed their studies, thus, bringing more good news to landlords.